Global Family Success Institute
Families Uniting and Learning Together Build Wealth: Outcome Driven, Online Training.
List of Where You Can Find Your Purpose: 1. Unfulfilled Goals & Dreams; 2 Talents; 3 Bible; 4 Expertise & Skills
Global Family Success Institute a Division of Generations Empowerment Enterprises, LLC (GEE) is excited to announce that their popular family success workshops have been seamlessly transformed into a new family life success webinar series for families. In addition, the webinars are for family-owned businesses and nonprofit organizations who have a mission to help families fulfill their dreams of building generational wealth through inter-generational learning. The webinar series are inspired by the book “The Power In A Vision Driven Family” by Phillip S. Porter, M.B.A., Dr. Janice M. Porter, Vanessa Patterson, B.A., and Vonzella Watson, M.S., L.M.F.T.
Global Family Success Institute is accepting registration from individuals, families, church leaders, community leaders, businesses, and nonprofit organizations for the first two webinar courses which are offered FREE. These two courses are:
· GEE 100 Build A Family Vision Ecosystem Foundation Series
· GEE 200 Build A Family Championship Team Series
The webinars will be available to anyone with internet access. In addition, the courses will be recorded and made available for 24/7/365 for 2 weeks after the class ends.
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